This text was written for all those who love Lithops, or those who have not yet discovered their secret world. Therefore, I believe that many more of you fall in love with this simple plant, which succeeded perfectly in our climate and very few seek our care. You are free to go on vacation, you do not need nobody to take care of your LITHOPS. They, if a bit and be thirsty while you are away, gently will wrinkle and get into yourself, but it is by no means detrimental to their survival. As soon as you go back and pouring them, they will very quickly after absorbing moisture vratititi to normal, or become rigid and tense, as if nothing had happened (not even notice that you no) .... But however, with their seedlings is a bit different and will need a lot more of your attention.

Since I talked about everything, not only about their sowing, and some of you are very interested, I'll try to write a few sentences, in the simplest possible way. There are various ways - and this is my way. For planting should be prepared and not good to work on speed and running so that you can move away from the hand. Personally, I always enjoy it and I do a lot of detail, I want to achieve the best possible results. First, I have to get square, oblong container (plastic or Styrofoam), deep only about 4-5 cm. Be sure that there are more pieces of holes drain excess water. Then I will fill up substrate for sowing, but not to its peak, but about halfway. On the side I will make one small part of the same substrate sift through a sieve, so you get the finest crumbly material and the sieved part I will add, this is called the "rougher" part, which I already play and which I have not sifted. It is important for that reason because each seed precious and I want to make the best "domesticated" and "sljubi" with the substrate. Container does not fill to the top, but one centimeter below the rim. Seeds Lithops is very small, like dust, and I'll work on making it as evenly schedule, we would not LITHOPS sprouted only in one corner of the vessel, but were evenly distributed throughout the vessel. Now that I have deployed seeds, I'll take a nice plinth and gently pressing it will tap on the substrate. Fine spray mist will irrigate from the top, until it is satisfied that the enough time and I will additionally "make" every seed that is well positioned on a place to germinate. Sometimes even from above sprinkle grained sand, but only slightly. Now, when all this is over, I'll put the container plastic wrap, put in a warm (time for sowing is early May onwards) and with impatience I expect sneak peek heads. Never all seeds are not excluded at once, but gradually germinate. Nylon lifted daily, surged to fresh air. It is important that in any moment of the substrate does not dry out, because this is detrimental for seedlings. Therefore regularly moistens the substrate, if necessary. 

When LITHOPS damned, I'll nylon, I'll put them on the illuminated spot (filtered sunlight through the curtains at the window). They are very delicate and must not be exposed to bright light because the sun will burn them. As we grow, and grow, so they are increasingly getting used to the strong light. Lack of light make them elongated and deformed, so it is important to assess how much light can be submitted. It will acquire only through experience. In this vessel we will stay a year and then I will make them the first time a nose dive (photo 2 and 3) in coarser substrate and quite deep pot because LITHOPS have quite long roots (photo 1). Right now I'm at the stage of procurement of seeds and it makes me very happy. I hope I have as much - so much help, much to me more to look forward to when all of you who are interested in the planting, contact with positive results !!!

Nina Kakti